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Sullys safari inn cover (slash ft mkc)

Posted: 16 May 2015, 12:58
by Sully807
My cover of slash ft Myles Kennedy and the conspirators' safari inn from the world on fire album. I saw the jam of this at NAMM when slash received the les paul award and it inspired me, it's pretty much all improvised.

This is my epiphone LP custom loaded with seymour duncan aph2s, with mxr custom badass OD, cry baby and TC flashback delay into my marshall vintage modern, mic is just the iPhones standard one so audio quality isn't best. Let me know what you think.

Re: Sullys safari inn cover (slash ft mkc)

Posted: 17 May 2015, 05:24
by surfnorthwest
Your phasing is getting better. The Vintage Modern sounds really good too.

Hey what up with the beard?? You ready for your first Harley Davidson or what.

Re: Sullys safari inn cover (slash ft mkc)

Posted: 17 May 2015, 12:09
by Sully807
Thanks surf, this isn't my best playing by any means, but had fun on it, had 1 play through to get a feel for it, that's why the first section I couldn't really find the right groove/key, I'm also going to start doing all my practicing standing, and to play every day, I haven't been getting enough play time in at all.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma with my rig and the vm at the mo but I'll put up a seperate thread on that at some point.

On the beard I've never been a fan of clean shaving, used to keep it at stubble but decided to just grow it, had many compliments on it so it's stayed haha,

I wish I could afford a harley, but uk prices are high and they don't really have the build quality for uk weather, when I do eventually have enough to have a bike I'd want one that can be ridden year round without hundreds of hours cleaning every week, not that I'd do a huge amount of winter riding and I do love Harley's a lot, always had a dream to own one, but I'm a bigger fan of triumphs stuff now for overall quality.. One day I want to do a harley ride in the US, maybe route 1