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Sequence for powering up/down

Posted: 11 May 2014, 01:02
by francoisv
Hello, I'm new on the forum so thanks in advance for your understanding and help...

I just bought a Slash signature SL-5 and I am a little confused with the power-on switch (Up: standby / Center: Off / Down: On).
What is the correct sequence to turn on and off the amp???

If the standby switch would have been "dedicated", I think I would have used it with no question (standby to warm up, then "on").

However, in the case of the SL-5, the standby and power switches are the same, so I guess what I am afraid of is to go from standby to on while going through the "off" position which is in the center... Is it not bad for the amp, could it cause like a power surge or something???

Thanks a lot for your help!

Re: Sequence for powering up/down

Posted: 11 May 2014, 01:09
by Sully807
Click it to standby to let it warm up then click it through to on to play it, no it won't damage the amp

Re: Sequence for powering up/down

Posted: 11 May 2014, 11:09
by francoisv
Thank you, but I don't see the point of warming the tubes if you have to go through "off" to get to "on"... Strange design, or is it just me?

Re: Sequence for powering up/down

Posted: 11 May 2014, 13:07
by LiveFreeOrDie
No it's not strange...not to me.

Re: Sequence for powering up/down

Posted: 11 May 2014, 13:13
by Sully807
Stand by is there for warming the valves up, it's nothing to do with a power surge going from off to on, just so they are at optimal temp when they are under load whether it was a separate dedicated switch or a 3 way switch they are doing the same job

Re: Sequence for powering up/down

Posted: 11 May 2014, 16:38
by dukealexan
In the case of the sl5 you can go straight to the on, just like the class5 and the 1 watt'rs. Use the standby if you are step'n out of the room for a few and come'n back to play, then when your done you can go straight to off.