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Just scored some NOS preamps

Posted: 27 Dec 2013, 17:31
by ClassicRock88
Just got some NOS preamp tubes for $10 each. Got one Tung Sol 12ax7, two Austrian 12AX7 and a 7025 with black plates that just says "USA 7025" on it.

Re: Just scored some NOS preamps

Posted: 27 Dec 2013, 20:15
by surfnorthwest
Very few people I trust buying anything NOS from, very few. The con artists are everywhere.

There is no doubt that the NOS stuff last a long time compared to modern tubes. I am not that convinced any more that it sounds any better. So quality yes, sonic superiority no.

The black plate 7025s are most likely RCA, those were great tubes.

Re: Just scored some NOS preamps

Posted: 27 Dec 2013, 20:36
by ClassicRock88
They are from a dealer that I trust. They had a guy who collected gear for something like 35+ years sell his entire collection to him. When they serviced the amps they gutted the tubes and put them all in a box for sale. I didn't buy any power tubes but decided to take the chance on the preamps. I originally went in there looking for a 12AX7 (Granger blew V2 again - apparently plexis are hard on cathode followers) so I bought a Mesa 12AX7 and then the four NOS tubes.

Re: Just scored some NOS preamps

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 06:04
by LiveFreeOrDie
With my less than expert opinion, I agree. I don't hear a difference, but I would almost guarantee they are made better.

Re: Just scored some NOS preamps

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 09:57
by ClassicRock88
One of the Austrian tubes didn't survive the trip home... The other is an Austrian 12AT7 upon closer inspection. The Tung Sol also appears to be a 12AT7, but after comparing the 7025 to Internet pictures it appears to be an RCA or Packard Bell with ribbed plates. All are ok. I use 12AT7's as V1 in my JCM800 so I will use them. I don't know where to try the 7025. Excited about that one.