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Well have another gig tonight

Posted: 02 Feb 2011, 23:29
by guitarest
Wish me and the JMD luck and hopefully the second channel will not flake out again like a few days ago. I just purchased a Zoom Q3 Video Camera; not the most expensive but from what I read in the reviews its more than worth the money spent. With the 2 gig sim it should be able to record for 60 minutes so I will be able to record a few tunes. I am hoping my my playing will be to a standard that I can release or post the videos on the net. I am thinking about recording the following tunes; Enter Sandman, Happiest days of our lives and Another brick in the wall pt2, You got another thing coming, and finally December. These few tunes should show to the non-believers how versatile the JMD actually is and if the audio is half as good as the reviews say the video should sound great.

We will be using the big PA tonight (Thursday night) and I will not get home till about 3:30 or 4:00 am and hopefully the night will be a blast, a great time and hopefully my fingers will hit all the right notes or stretch the hell out of the strings so I can raise the pitch so no bad notes will be recorded.........


Re: Well have another gig tonight

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 03:54
by surfnorthwest
Look forward to seeing the videos :Thumbs

Re: Well have another gig tonight

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 09:26
by noise5150
No Ratt? JK good luck!

Re: Well have another gig tonight

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 09:42
by guitarest
Nope no Ratt; singer doesn't have a pair of vice grips for the high pitches or nose clamps for the nasally overall tone........... lol

Re: Well have another gig tonight

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 21:49
by bluesbrother
I am thinking about a zoom Q3 too , so i am looking forward to your
video since there are not to many of the JMD on you tube in a live
band situation.

Re: Well have another gig tonight

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 14:22
by guitarest
Lets see how this works. The stage was fairly dark so I replaced the video with stills. The audio is OK, this is actually two tunes on this video. "Happiest days of our lives" and "Another brick in the wall, Pt2" and I am using my Gibson Les Paul and the JMD on this video. I actually use 3 of the four channels, the JCM 800 is the main preamp you will hear on the second channel. Then I used channel three for the more distortion and finally the forth channel is the lead; during the tune I used mainly the middle position on the guitar except for the lead which was the neck position in the begining of the lead to the bridge towards the end of the lead. I am not to happy with the sound quality of the video as the JMD does sound loads better live and I am still learning how to use the video camera and positioning it for the best audio response.

-- Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:29 pm --

Here is another but I had a slight problem with the wah; the damn cable came out any the lead got all crapped up so I deleted it. This is the third channel on the JMD...

-- Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:19 pm --

Wow the tunes suk that bad?