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So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 09:07
by Peveo
The torture never stops when it comes to GAS.....
In my self build strat y put in some Seymour SSL 3 pick-ups and although they are fine sounding i'm not satisfied.
It lacks some treble and y find them to muddy sounding at times.
So...the search for new pu's is on but that's quiet a excersise .
Y want single coils, a hot sound for the bridge with enough bite and punch , fulltime sounding and the middel and neck have to give me the true strat sound but with a bit more power so they will be balanceerde with the bridge.
Y tried to use a equalizer and add some highs when playing the ssl3 strat but y didnt like that.

Y looked at SD, Bare Knuckles, Fender but havent seen the light yet....

So y be happy with some directions ..

Thanks and happy playing

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 09:41
by Roger
Well I don't know about single coils pickups but recently I installed the kit Eric Clapton mid Boost in a cheaper strat that has low output pickups and the result it's good the guitar sounds hot with much mids.

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 11:08
by Alpeggio
A friend of mine made a cheap strat from parts,
and put some Bare Knuckles Irish Tours in it.
Sounded fantastic. Gives a kick compared to the stock pups, but not over the top.
Well balanced in tone.

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 12:36
by Anitoli
One of these will really give it some bite:

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 13:23
by surfnorthwest
If you want hot then this is a great option. The pickups come installed already on a new pickgaurd.

Seymour Duncan Triple Rails


Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 19:32
by matt3310
What sound are you going for? Are you wanting single coils that sound like hum buckers?

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 05:09
by Cousin Muely
Very similar to Surf's suggestion I go real hot with a pair of Super Distortions. A Super 2 in the neck with a standard Super Distortion in the bridge. I've had this setup in my early 90s Deluxe Stratocaster Plus for a very long time. Being a Dave Murray fan is the reason behind it. I know Dimarzio makes a single coil version of the Super but not one designed for the neck like the Humbucker version.

I don't find they alter the tone of the guitar all that much. It still sounds like it always did just way fatter and really drives an amp and pedals.

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 07:09
by burnsy
+1 on the Bare Knuckles Irish Tours.

I had those in a Strat - sounded great!

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 09:58
by skinnyj
I put a Seymour Duncan JB Jr in the bridge of my strat. It find it doesn't get muddy at all and cuts through a mix very well. Plus, it has 4 conductor wiring so you have the option to coil tap it if you want.

Seymour Duncan JB Jr.

Re: So what kind of pick-ups should y get for a hot strat

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 12:19
by Peveo
Thanks to you all for the response...

So...what sound am y looking for.....the holy quest for tone...
Lets bridge position ...a pu thats almost sounds like a humbucker but is still a single coil.
Mid and neck has to give a sound that still makes a strat sound with the bells and so on but is well balanced with the bridge pickup..

Y am impressed with the Bare Knuckles Irish Tour y must say and maybe i'll give them a shot , y really do want to keep the character of the strat .

At the moment i'm tweaking two strats, one is losing its Lace sensors because they did not give me the sound y wanted for a maple neck strat and y have a set of Fender custom 69 for that one and the other strat ( rosewood neck) is still in the race for new pu's.

Y guess it will come down to try and error .... but thats the fun