Setting up YJM

Yngwie Malmsteen's YJM

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Setting up YJM

Postby SRV1 » 22 Oct 2012, 09:58


I received today my YJM. Does the booster and gate work only with the top left input? I first scared because the boost and gate didn't work with the other three inputs. Is channel jumpering the solution to get good boosted sounds? Any set up tips for novice?

By the way: I noticed that YJM Marshall box should iclude red link cable and speaker cable. I didn't have those cables but I contacted the dealer and he's solving the problem (hopefully).

One last question: Should I do first auto biasing for the amp because it's brand new? (Should the standby be ON when doing auto bias?)


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Re: Setting up YJM

Postby aristotle » 22 Oct 2012, 10:53

Regarding boost and gate, I think that's right. Channel 1 "normal" (upper left) needs to be in the loop one way or the other....if jumping channels, you either need to be plugged in to the upper left with your guitar, or jump from channel two to the upper left. Not sure why, but that's the wayit is.

Regarding setup, I'm probably the wrong person, as I don't use the YJM for YJM style super high gain stuff (couldn't, even if I wanted to...) I use it more for classic 70s style crunchy stuff. Plug into channel 1 upper left, jump to channel two upper left, and set the trebble channel gain to taste, and dial up the normal channel to add depth. Some of the guys here though have posted some super good clips of YJM style stuff and the amp seems to nail it. Maybe they'll chime in?

Regarding bias, I've never done it. Very early on, there some reported issues regarding the amp losing its mind during the self bias process. I think that the reports turned out to be a non issue for the most part, but I held off originally. Keep meaning to now, but the amp sounded great out of the box, so I've just never bothered.

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Re: Setting up YJM

Postby crossroadsnyc » 23 Oct 2012, 08:30

SRV1 wrote:Hi,

I received today my YJM. Does the booster and gate work only with the top left input? I first scared because the boost and gate didn't work with the other three inputs. Is channel jumpering the solution to get good boosted sounds? Any set up tips for novice?

By the way: I noticed that YJM Marshall box should iclude red link cable and speaker cable. I didn't have those cables but I contacted the dealer and he's solving the problem (hopefully).

One last question: Should I do first auto biasing for the amp because it's brand new? (Should the standby be ON when doing auto bias?)

Tone is such an individual thing, that my suggestion would be to just tweak until it sounds good to you. Jumping the channels will thicken up the tone, while adding a bit of warmth ... some like it, while others prefer just going straight into one or the other. Me personally, I like to jump them ... I generally set volume 1 to where I want it, and then roll up volume 2 until I strike the right balance of warmth that I want. The treble / middle / bass ... well, again, that's purely personal preference, and the only one who can determine what sounds good to you, is you. I've always found the notion of sharing settings to be a complete waste of time (you won't sound the same w/my settings, and I won't sound the same w/yours).

As for the biasing, yes, do it right away ... not only do you want the amp performing with peak performance, but you also want to make sure that it's working properly, because if something is wrong, you're going to want to have it addressed. There have been a few instances where people have had issues w/the auto-bias, so I think there's an inherent fear w/some people in using it ... after all, you don't want to find something wrong, right? The way I look at it is kind of like hearing a story about how a friend found a mole on his skin which turned out to be cancerous, and then 6 months later you find a similar looking mole yourself ... well, you have two choices ... you can either ignore it because someone else had a problem with theirs, or you can tackle it head on to get over the fear of the problems it 'might' cause you down the road.

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